Litigation and dispute resolution
BFSC Law Firm is considered as one of the leading Law firms in Vietnam for investors, enterprises and corporations to choose when they face any disputes needed to be resolved.
BFSC Law Firm is considered as one of the leading Law firms in Vietnam for investors, enterprises and corporations to choose when they face any disputes needed to be resolved.
Organizational structure of joint stock companies Joint stock company is the business entity that is expected to bring the strongest development ability among all types of businesses. Due to the itself open nature, the organizational structure is more complicated. In the following article, the authors introduce the basic and important legal regulations on the organizational […]
On the occasion of BSFC Law Firm’s 17th founding anniversary (May 21, 2007 – May 21, 2023), our Hanoi Branch will offer legal advice free of charge during our anniversary week for all clients regardless of whether you have used the services of BFSC before or not. For more information, please see attached file.
To remove difficulties for the corporate bond market, on March 5, 2023, the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam issued Decree No. 08/2023/ND-CP amending, supplementing, and ceasing the effect of, a number of articles of the Decrees on private placement of corporate bonds and trading of privately placed corporate bonds on the domestic market […]
Dear Valued Clients and Friends, Sincerely wishing you and your relatives a healthy and a happy in Tet
The parties involved in the disputes, depending on the actual situation of such case, may choose a Foreign court or a Foreign arbitration agency, International arbitration agency to handle the dispute. For judgments, decisions made by Foreign courts or awards made by Foreign arbitration agency related to the enforcement in Vietnam. One of the parties […]
Offering and transferring shares in an enterprise is implemented for a variety of reasons, such as: i) Transferring internal shares of founding shareholders, transferring internal shares of ordinary ones; ii) Issuing additional shares to increase charter capital for small-sized enterprises; iii) Issuing additional shares to increase charter capital for large-sized enterprises (issuing stocks); iv) Transferring […]
Except for the regulations of the Law on Enterprises No. 59/2020/QH14 on selling Private enterprises, there is no obvious legal regulation on trading enterprises for the models of Joint-stock company, Limited liability company, Partnership, Parent – child company or economic group. The corporate acquisition activities over these models are mainly implemented through the mechanism of […]
BFSC Law Firm provides consultancy and representing services for investors, businesses and corporations in negotiating contracts related to infrastructure, real estate and energy investments, including contracts signed between the investor and the main contractor, joint venture contractor, subcontractor. We also advise and represent in contract implementation supervision and project legal management.
In the field of Intellectual Property, BFSC Law Firm provides comprehensive consultancy and representing services to help customers look up, register, renew, assign, transfer (license), protect and resolve disputes over Industrial property, including: Trademarks, Geographical indications, trade names, business secrets, against fair competition.